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'Horse Stable-Cupolas'

Absolutely No Reproductions-Protected by Copyright Laws
Phone: 586-294-6983

Horse Stable Cupolas" have always been a trade mark of Zack's Workshoppe for over 30 years. We have delighted in designing Cupolas for the home of such beautiful and stately animals..
The Stable Cupolas can be Octagonal or Square design. Each Window is hand made to accent the Cupola sometimes one window may take 3 days or more to fabricate. Each roof base is custom made to fit on the roof pitch of the horse stable/barn.
The Cupolas roofs can be made out of copper and sometimes cedar to match the structure it adorns. May times the copper weather vane of choice will be 'Black Hawk' the horse or another copper weathervane with a horse profile included in the design.
It always warms our hearts as we drive away from these stables and see these beautiful horse's below- as our lanterns light up their pasture.
Welcome to Zack's Workshoppe-Award Winning Cuplas

Yankee Lake , New York